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PKE Automatic Sensors Description

Remote control operation instructions



When the engine flame out, PKE sensor range will invalid in 1.5M, Instrument power off after 5seconds, Light flash once with one horn sound, Arming automatically after 1 second.

Press the  Key once within the remote range, Light flash once with one horn sound, arming automatically in 1second.




In the arming sate, when the PKE remote is near the motor within 1.5meter, alarm will disarming with a light flash twice & two horn sounds. Instrument power on working.


Press the  key within the remote range distance, alarm disarming with a light flash once & a horn sound. (Mark: If the alarm is arming more than 24 hrs, please shake the motor head once to awake the PKE sensor from the low consumption sleep state )


Searching Bike


Press the key within the remote range, light flash with horn sound 8 times


Warning Alarm

shaking arming: when the shock sensor is touched, alarm warming with a light flash & horn sound 3times.

ACC Arming : when the PKE remote is out off 1.5meter range, ACC is touched, alarm warming with light flash 6times, horn sound continuing in 6 seconds.

Disarming Warming Alarm

In the warming alarm state: press the  key or the  key to reset system, light stop flash & horn stop calling. System will arming again in case of PKE remote single was not found. Please walking to the motor in 1.5meter with the remote to disarming the alarm.

Press the  key to disarming the alarm , light flash twice with two of horn sound, motor cant be started.

Cancel the PKE alarm function

In sure the remote is near the motor within 1.5meter, press the at he same time in 3 seconds. Light flash twice, horn calling 2


Times, PKE alarming function was cancel.

Press the at he same time in 3 seconds. Light flash once, horn calling 1 time, PKE alarming function was back again.

Remote open seat

In the engine flame out state, press Key for short time, seat was opened.

Remote  open oil tank cover

In the engine flame out state, press Key for short time,  oil tank cover

 was opened.

Sensor sensitivity selection

Press arming key for 2seconds until motor light up, into the sensitivity selection state. Press the     key, horn siren beep once , press again siren beep twice. At this time press once sensitivity will add a level, first for slow, prompt sound for 1, fifthfor the most sensitive, prompting the sound for 5; when the adjustment to the fifth level still continue to adjust, the sensitivity will return to the first level.

Intelligent motorcycle alarm



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 版权所有:中山雷震子防盗器 技术支持:851017323
全国咨询热线:0760-28186015  网址:www.keyu-thor.com